Florida Dms Alternate Contract Source

Florida DMS Alternate Contract Source: What is it and What You Need to Know

The Florida Department of Management Services (DMS) is the state agency responsible for providing a wide range of support services to other state agencies, local government entities, and other organizations. One of these services is the procurement of goods and services, which is done through various contracts.

Florida DMS Alternate Contract Source refers to a procurement method used by DMS to offer a wide range of goods and services to state agencies and other eligible entities. This procurement method allows agencies and entities to access contracts that have previously been awarded by DMS to vendors who have submitted competitive bids.

Why Use Florida DMS Alternate Contract Source?

There are several reasons why agencies and entities use Florida DMS Alternate Contract Source, including:

1. Convenience: By using Florida DMS Alternate Contract Source, agencies and entities can quickly and easily access a wide range of contracts for goods and services without having to go through the entire procurement process.

2. Cost savings: By leveraging the contracts already awarded by DMS, agencies and entities can save time and money on the procurement process. Additionally, the contracts often have negotiated pricing, which can result in additional cost savings.

3. Compliance: Florida DMS Alternate Contract Source contracts have already been awarded through a competitive bidding process, ensuring compliance with state procurement regulations.

How to Use Florida DMS Alternate Contract Source

To use Florida DMS Alternate Contract Source, agencies and entities must first have an account with the MyFloridaMarketPlace system. This system is used for procurement, sourcing, and payment functions for the state of Florida.

Once an account has been established, agencies and entities can search for contracts using the Florida DMS Alternate Contract Source search tool. The search tool allows users to filter contracts by category, keyword, and other criteria.

Once a contract has been identified, users can review the contract terms, pricing, and vendor information. Users can also request a quote from the vendor and initiate the purchasing process directly through the MyFloridaMarketPlace system.


Florida DMS Alternate Contract Source is an efficient and cost-effective way for agencies and entities to procure goods and services. By leveraging contracts already awarded by DMS, agencies and entities can save time and money on the procurement process while ensuring compliance with state procurement regulations.

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